Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Behind the Bedroom Wall Lessons 5 and 6

Name _________________________________
Behind the Bedroom Wall
Lesson Five: Chapters 9 & 10 (pg. 91-110)
Fill in the blank...
In chapter 9, Rita insists on coming _______________ with Korinna.  She tells Korinna’s ____________ about the slap Korinna received the day before.  Korinna’s mother pretends that the ____________ was necessary, that Korinna needed to be reminded of her ______________ to the Fuhrer.
In chapter 10, ___________ and the other Gestapo agents barge into the ____________ house in the middle of the night.  They search the house.  When Korinna’s ______________ tries to protect some old ___________________ from being torn in the search, Hans ___________ him, drawing blood.  Korinna is confused and ______________.  She wonders if it is possible to love both the ___________ and her own ____________.
Comprehension Questions
How important is body language when you cannot say what you are thinking or feeling? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A scene on pages 99 to 100 shows Korinna becoming closer to the Krugmanns.  She even begins to recognize aspects of their Jewish life such as the lighting of the Sabbath candles.  She is beginning to show a change in attitude towards Jewish people.  Has your attitude toward someone changed?  Have you thought you could tell what someone was like just by their religion or by the color of their skin and then been surprised at what they are really like?  Describe an experience like this that you have had.
What Would You Do?
Do you remember a dream that you had last night?  If so, draw a scene that you remember and write down what you think it meant.  If you don’t remember a dream from last night, think of one that you had in the past and draw it.  If you remember no dreams, then draw a powerful scene from the book.
Behind the Bedroom Wall
Lesson Six: Chapters 11 & 12 (pg. 111-134)
Special Words
Hebrew _______________________________ Tag _______________________
Jewish Sabbath ________________________________________________________
Word Mastery List
cooped _______________________________________________________________
consoled ______________________________________________________________
trivial _________________________________________________________________
dissipated _____________________________________________________________
Getting Involved with the Story
After Korinna opens the door to the hiding place and asks Rachel to come out, she encourages Rachel to draw pictures of her sister who has just died.  What does this scene show about Korinna?  How do you feel about her now?  Does she help Rachel by encouraging her to draw her sister so Rachel can remember her?
When you read the conversation between Rita and Korinna on page 128, did you believe Rita was sincere?  Did you trust her?  How as the author created Rita’s character so you feel as you do about her?  Find incidents, words Rita has said, body language, etc. that support your opinion of her?
Can you create a memory portrait of someone or something who has died?  Does this portrait keep the person close to you even though he or she has died?  Would you rather take a photograph or draw a picture of someone you love?

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